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Videos Create Brand Identity

Videos Create Brand Identity

Videos Create Brand Identity Have you ever asked a copywriter what the hardest part of their job is? It’s not grammar or editing; we’ve got those in the bag. Ironically enough, the hardest part about copywriting isn’t about the words, themselves…it’s about the feeling those words convey. […]

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Use video to reach your employees

Use video to reach your employees

Video Creates Interest   Anyone can send out a newsletter or email, but video captures people’s attention. How many dozens of newsletters go unread? How many memos get skimmed, but don’t receive the attention they might require? LOTS! You can communicate the same thing in a video […]

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5 Ways to Use Video in Content Marketing

5 Ways to Use Video in Content Marketing

It’s hard to find a medium more powerful than video for reaching an audience. Visually oriented and compelling, videos often tell a company’s story more quickly and more clearly than plain text or even photographs. And with so many user-friendly, simple video tools available today, there’s never […]

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High Video Consumption via mobile devices and social sites.

High Video Consumption via mobile devices and social sites.

Mobile devices and social sites continue to fuel an increase in video consumption. It increased views 300% last year, prompted Facebook users to engage twice as much with content, and drove pre-roll ads to account for 82% of all video ad impressions in long-format content.  Dartise Media […]

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12 GREAT Benefits of Video Marketing

12 GREAT Benefits of Video Marketing

If you’re having trouble convincing your marketing team, business partners, clients, boss or even yourself that online video marketing is worthwhile, then read on. Or call Dartise Media Design so we can help you with your video marketing. 1. Video is where your customers spend their time. YouTube alone […]

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Location & Visibility MATTER – Even in Video

Location & Visibility MATTER - Even in Video

So location is everything for retail and restaurants – but switching industries, let’s talk online video. So what is the most important thing when building a video strategy? Is it the number of videos you have available on your site? 100, 1,000, 100,000? Is it the CPM […]

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4 Steps to Creating Video Content

4 Steps to Creating Video Content

If you are looking to stay top-of-mind with your audience in order to increase your influence with its members, here are some keys for getting yourself out of the way and, in doing so, leaving a memorable impression. DARTISE MEDIA DESIGN, a Chicago Based media design firm […]

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Video Testimonials: Let your AWESOME Clients speak for you!

Video Testimonials: Let your AWESOME Clients speak for you!

There are many benefits of using video testimonials over other forms of video advertising. Dartise Media Design, A Chicago based Media Design Firm can produce the quality video testimonial you’re looking for. A testimonial video connects to potential customers on a personal level and shows that other people just […]

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2100 S Marshall Blvd, Chicago, Illinois
Phone: (312) 798-9994
Fax: 1 (312) 377-1679

Email: info@dartisemediadesign.com